Grupa osób uczestnicząca w projekcie Burnout Lab na plaży.

I learnt how to help others and myself fight against such a difficult
opponent like professional or school burnout…

Thanks to the project I learnt how to help others and myself fight against such a difficult opponent like professional or school burnout. It was a precious lesson for me due to the tough subject which is not spoken very often. I managed to meet wonderful people, with whom I’ll stay in touch for a long time. At the beginning it was hard to overcome the fear of talking in English, but I got rid of the language barrier pretty quickly. I am enormously grateful for participating in this project that presented me the opportunity of self-improvement and obtaining useful skills.

International trips are amazing when it comes to meeting people from all over the world. It is also a possibility to gain skills that are practical in real life. If you have such opportunity, don’t hesitate, apply to projects!

Aleksandra, 19 years old, youth exchange in Sweden – “BurnOut Lab”

Also see: More about BurnOut Lab project

The participants were very open and ready to share intimate and
difficult experiences in groups…

I have only fond memories of the youth exchange in Sweden. Visiting a Scandinavian country was on my bucket list for a very long time. That’s why I’m extremely grateful that I could check it off thanks to this exchange within Erasmus+.

Although it was not my first time with Erasmus+, this youth exchange was definitely a unique one. But it is true that every project is special thanks to the organizers and the participants who make it unforgettable.

In Sweden, the participants were the most charming. They were very open and ready to share intimate and difficult experiences in the group. But we had known each other only for a couple of days then!

Additionally, the place of the project was located near the lake which we were able to admire from the workshop room. It was beautiful.

As far as the cuisine is concerned, “kanelbullar” (Swedish cinnamon rolls) was the best! Well, there was one time when they were a bit overbaked, but nevertheless it was the greatest culinary discovery during our stay, right after the incredible peanut butter from the Turkish cultural evening. 🙂

I am grateful to the organizations: Wellbeing Lab and Level Up, for giving us the opportunity to participate in this youth exchange!

I definitely recommend such exchanges! Even if you think that the place of a project is not so interesting, don’t hesitate, just apply! What makes them such a fantastic experience is the participants. Getting to know new cultures, cuisines and lifestyles of different countries is a very valuable and unforgettable experience.

If anyone is interested in participating in a certain project, I recommend it from the bottom of my heart!

Julia, 22 years old, youth exchange in Sweden – “BurnOut Lab”

Also see: More about BurnOut Lab project


Szwedzkie cynamonki

I left Sweden with inner peace and new energy to keep going…

Firstly, I am super grateful for participating in the exchange. I regret not knowing about such programme

I left Sweden with inner peace and new energy to keep going. Although I had some knowledge about burnout, I didn’t realize that this was the case for so many people, especially the young ones (the majority was approximately 22 years old.)

I met over 50 wonderful individuals among which there were shy introverts and energetic extroverts.
Even though we didn’t have enough time to get to know each other perfectly, everyone was very friendly
and kind.
Observing hot temperaments from Turkey, Italy or Greece was really cool.
Moderators and our guardians were wonderful as well.

Despite the fact that I travel a lot and I try to visit a different country each time, Sweden had never
appeared on my list. I didn’t think that there was something enchanting enough for me. But surprise,
surprise! I am 100% more of a nature person than a city person, so Sweden stole my heart. Goteborg is a
quite big city, well-developed and clean. It is enough to enter the botanic garden and within 10 minutes
you’re at the viewpoint that looks like it was surrounded by mountains.

The food was tasty. I believe it was only one time when 98% of the group didn’t touch the dinner.😀
The cinnamon rolls for breakfast were delicious.
The cooks were very nice.
The only thing we discussed with the moderators was that there wasn’t enough food for everyone.
Nevertheless, the organizers deserve an A. 🙂

I think I didn’t have any barriers.

As I mentioned in the first sentence, I am grateful for the trip itself. It’s hard to divide it into particles,
because everything that formed the trip: place, weather, people, workshops, was just wonderful.

Also, there was a funny situation that occurred during our stay… On the second day we had a workshop
during which we had to form one line starting from the youngest to the oldest without communicating
with each other. I was sixth counting from the oldest. After the task almost everyone told me that they didn’t believe that I
was that “old” and asked me to show my ID. 😀

I received a lot of support from the LEVEL UP. Klaudia was always available. She answered all my not-
so-easy questions from the very beginning. Also, when I notified her about distributing our data, she responded immediately.

I definitely recommend such exchanges! It’s the best thing you can do! Since I came back, I’m constantly looking for programmes in which I could participate. Moreover, I encourage my boyfriend and friends to do the same, but it’s quite problematic with my peers as we’re in the age of marriages and kids.

Karolina, 29 years old, youth exchange in Sweden – “BurnOut Lab”

Also see: More about BurnOut Lab project

Kobieta robiąca pozę jogową.

The participants were very eager to get to know new cultures and

During the exchange, I had a possibility to work in international groups. I learnt some of the meditation and mindfulness techniques. The participants were very eager to get to know new cultures and customs. There was a safe space to share personal experiences. The weather was quite a shock as 13 degrees in Sweden doesn’t equal 13 degrees in Polish, rather 3. The food was prepared with an outmost care for participants’ special diets deriving from beliefs, religion, lifestyle or allergy/intolerance for certain products. It was very reassuring. Communication in English was useful and interesting. Due to the fact of various accents, sometimes the English didn’t sound like one. There was a Zoom meeting before the exchange, whose aim was to elaborate more on the trip itself and duties related.

I recommend such exchanges, particularly to young people who have the opportunity to participate in programmes like these and don’t have to ask for leave from work, which is not a very easy thing to do. It’s a fascinating experience, incomparable to anything that can happen in your own country.

Kasia, 22 years old, youth exchange in Sweden – “BurnOut Lab”

Also see: More about BurnOut Lab project


Conversations about our emotions and experiences in smaller groups
were the most heart-moving…

The exchange revolved around BurnOut and mindfulness. I learnt a lot about those two. Also, I fell in love with meditation again. Thanks to the techniques presented by the organizers I realized what I liked and what I was completely not into. I started to put in practice some of them. 🙂 Conversations about our emotions and experiences in smaller groups were the most heart-moving. I met lots of wonderful people. I treat many of them like a family – we’re in touch constantly and we’re planning to meet in future if possible. Thanks to them I learnt a lot about myself.

I was confused that I felt so good in Sweden. So far, when I was abroad I had some kind of anxiety but I was feeling almost at home there. 

It was nice to see that outskirts really look like in the movies or photographs – a lot of beautiful, red, little houses with white shutters. I was like a fairytale. People are really nice and friendly, for example in coffee shops. They were very understanding if I didn’t comprehend something and they explained it patiently.

As far as the food is concerned. In the first days, I was hungry due to small portions, but after reporting it to the organizers, the problem was solved. The cooks were really nice and even allowed us to grab an apple from the kitchen after dinner. Although the participants were mostly responsible for creating a great atmosphere, the organizers did a fine job helping in that by introducing certain rules (for instance Bora-Bora). I also liked the fact that there was no alcohol.

The LEVEL UP support was the biggest.

Each time there was a problem or conflict, Klaudia instructed us on what we were supposed to do. The only thing I disliked was the fact that we had to prepare workshops on our own (everyone was responsible for 10 participants.)

I definitely recommend such exchanges, You can learn a lot more about others and yourself than you could even imagine. What’s more, it’s a shame not to make the best out of an almost free travel opportunity.

Martyna, youth exchange in Sweden – “BurnOut Lab”

Also see: More about BurnOut Lab project


The greatest fear I overcame was public speaking...

I gained lots of motivation and great memories throughout the project. I learnt yoga and meditation which I’m still exploring. I had an opportunity to meet wonderful people of different origins. It helped me get acquainted with their culture, customs and values. The greatest fear I overcame was public speaking. I am grateful for every person involved in the project. I would for sure include burrito dinner to the bag of funny situations. I found a tea bag in one of the burritos and I almost ate it. I received a lot of support from LEVEL UP

I recommend such projects. You can broaden your horizons and gain new experiences.

Mateusz, youth exchange in Sweden – “BurnOut Lab”

Also see: More about BurnOut Lab project


2 osoby kąpiące się w jeziorze

The percent of people struggling with the burnout in such a young age was a big shock to me…

That exchange was a very interesting experience. You can meet various people and different cultures. Also, you can learn how to seek peace in the world dominated by the news flow. The percent of people struggling with the burnout at such a young age was a big shock to me. It shows how important it is to talk about it with young people who are rarely associated with the problem. The organizers tried to take care of every little detail. We were welcomed with KitKats accompanied with an interesting quote, which we found on our beds. What’s more, we made the most out of every single moment. The meals were tasty and varied. I’m grateful for a possibility to visit Sweden which I had never been to before, and also for meeting such a great number of intriguing people.

I highly recommend such exchanges! My friends were interested in not only the main theme of the trip
but also in the opportunity to travel within Erasmus+.

Kinga, 24 years old, youth exchange in Sweden – “BurnOut Lab”

Also see: More about BurnOut Lab project


Piękny widok z plaży na jezioro<br />

The time spent in Floda was magical due to showing the participants how to “live the moment” using technique of mindfulness…

It has been a month since I came back from the Sweden and now I’m starting to write down my memories. I’m glad I’ve decided to do this now, because many thoughts with an even greater gratitude have come to me throughout the time. I recall the time in Sweden with a smile on my face and a spreading warmth in my heart. It’s incredible how only one week can influence your mindset, self-consciousness and how it can inspire you to explore the world’s mysteries.

The time spent in Floda was magical due to showing the participants how to “live in a moment” by using technique of mindfulness (focusing on breathing, body and a breathtaking local nature). I still remember beautiful sunrises and sunsets, and charming houses located near the lake (as the organisers said: “in the middle of nowhere”, which only made that place more unique). Thanks to the techniques learnt during the exchange, I’m able to find the inner peace even in the most stressful situations.

Participation in the project was a start of many wonderful, long-lasting friendships.

I’ve already planned some meetings in both Poland and the countries of my project-friends. What I’ve gained from the project is that I know how to cherish a present moment and how to be more self-conscious. After coming back, I’m able to find more peace in myself. I feel that I’m more aware of my emotions and actions related to them.

I can state undoubtedly that the time spent on this exchange was one of the most amazing ones in my life. I’m grateful for the presence of each and every participant, as they were people of beautiful souls ready to hear out others. Lately, nothing makes me more cheerful than looking at the photos and watching the videos from that trip. I’m incredibly grateful for the time, the memories and the people. During the exchange, I tried many things that I would normally never do in “normal conditions”, for example I jumped into the ice-cold lake. Also, the exchange was the opportunity to spend some time in an international environment doing various activities such as walks into the forest while wearing a blindfold (it was a chance to wake up other senses), kayaks, trips to the local shop (which also was some kind of adventure), badminton or volleyball during coffee breaks, dances to national songs of the participants and so on.

During the project, I heard many warm words that made my heart flutter.

It was an excellent idea to introduce so-called “Secret Angels”, because every participant could not only take care of another person,
but also they could feel like an important piece of puzzle which was the exchange.
While in Sweden, we experienced many funny situations connected to the variety of the culinary tastes. One of our friends from Turkey added ketchup to the pasta. As you can imagine, such behaviour was harshly criticised by the Italians. It was hilarious. What’s more about the kitchen is that the delicious cinnamon rolls which were served for breakfasts also will remain in my memory for a long time.

In conclusion, once more, I’m offering my thanks for giving me the opportunity to participate in this project. No words, even the most beautiful ones, can describe what I feel. That’s why I can only wish LEVEL UP more fruitful partnerships like the one with Sweden. Thank you!

The perception of the world can change so much due to such exchanges. They help a person to be more open-minded when interacting with others and to get rid of prejudices. The first thing that comes to your mind after coming back from the exchange is the need to seek for more projects – that’s why I recommend it with all my heart.

Natalia, 22 years old, youth exchange in Sweden – “BurnOut Lab”

Also see: More about BurnOut Lab project


Dziewczyna na plaży

What was especially helpful while practicing mindfulness, meditation
and relaxation was the surroundings – a beautiful lake, forest, nature – some things I definitely didn’t have when living in a big city.

The “BurnOut Lab” project was my first exchange ever, and I know it won’t be the last one. The project enriched me in a valuable knowledge and experience, for example, I learnt some techniques of mindfulness and meditation, I broadened my knowledge on burnout, I could hear about other experiences and I got to know new cultures, traditions and cuisines.
What was especially helpful while practicing mindfulness, meditation and relaxation was the surroundings, a beautiful lake, forest, nature, some things I definitely didn’t have when living in a big city.

Before the exchange, I feared communicating only in English, as I had previously no opportunity to be in such a big and culturally varied group. Fortunately, my fears drifted away on the first day of the exchange. The participants were incredibly open, friendly and ready to help. It was easy to communicate and interact with them. It was my first time getting to know the “bora bora” rule, and I really liked it, because thanks to it no one felt excluded from the conversation. No discomfort was felt when communicating in other language. Both the memories and the knowledge gained during the exchange will surely stay with me for a long time.

Obviously, I recommend all projects within the Erasmus+ programme. It’s an adventure that you cannot experience anywhere else. Thanks to it, we can gain knowledge and experience. We can explore new places, culture, tastes and meet amazing people from all over the world. Besides, it’s a great opportunity to practice the language.

Weronika, 23 years old, youth exchange in Sweden – “BurnOut Lab”

Also see: More about BurnOut Lab project


2 osoby kąpiące się w jeziorze

It was the most amazing trip of my life…

It was the most amazing trip of my life. I’m so grateful that I could participate in this exchange. There were the best moments I’ve lived so far. I met many wonderful people with whom I still keep in touch. During the exchange, many friendships were formed, and I hope they’ll last for years. The most important thing is that I came back from the exchange feeling filled with inner joy, peace and love. Such emotions cannot be described with words. What did I learn? I learnt that you cannot judge a person until you get to know them and have a chance to talk to them. Also, I learnt many Turkish phrases.

Delicious cinnamon rolls were a surprise for me. I had no idea that they were so popular in Sweden. Swedish clouds are also a bit different, more fierce. 😀

Everybody was wonderful, always smiling, friendly, opened and ready to help. The organisers, as I mentioned earlier, were wonderful, ambitious, friendly, full of ideas, open for discussions and different opinions. You could not tell the difference between the participants and the organisers while having day- to-day conversations.

I don’t think I had to overcome any major barrier.

What am I grateful for? I believe that this is the easiest and the most difficult question, because these are such emotions that are hard to describe.

To be honest, I’m grateful for everything, including meeting so many incredible people and being offered a stay in a beautiful place. I am grateful for ice-cold lake, in which I swam and went kayaking. Also, for beautiful sunrises and sunsets, delicious food and a trip to Goteborg. For a window seat in a plane. For all lessons and workshops, for all games and culture evenings. 

For all the kind words that I heard and read, for all the letters and messages from Secret Angels, for all the night walks through the woods, for all the conversations in native languages, for my great roommates, for all the smiles and winks, for singing and dancing to many famous songs from various countries, for playing badminton, for hours of genuine talks, for all the jokes, for drinking coffee while looking at the amazing lake, for the weather that was windy, but sunny.

For lots of photos and videos, and for many other firsts. I am grateful for the fact that I was able to go with my friend and we spent this
incredible time together. For the bonfire, for the free time between workshops, for visiting Volvo museum with fantastic people, for getting to know a wide range of cultures and languages, for each and every invitation I was offered by people from other countries, for all signs on my postcard. For being the reason for someone’s smile. I’m grateful for all carefree moments and for the fact that I could forget about my problems and the whole world.

I can say that I was in heaven. <3 

One of the funniest situations was when there was an English conversation with other person who said “bora bora” (which translates into “please,
speak English, because I cannot understand your language”), haha.

I was constantly supported by Klaudia, we kept in touch all the time.

PS. I wish to do it one more time!

I wholeheartedly recommend such exchanges! These are the most amazing moments and a great opportunity to meet brilliant people! You can escape the reality and forget all about your problems, work, studies…

Julia, 22 years old, youth exchange in Sweden – “BurnOut Lab”

Also see: More about BurnOut Lab project


Julia pokazująca kartke z podpisami.<br />