BurnOut Lab
The aim of the project is to increase the knowledge and skills of participants, in the field of mental health and professional burnout. The topic of work-life balance and burnout prevention among young people will be discussed during the workshops . The project will take place in Sweden and will involve 60 participants from 7 countries. The participants of the project will be young members and volunteers of the partner organizations and youth cooperating with these NGOs interested in the topic of burnout.
Project duration:
01.09.2021- 01.03.2023
Project reference number:
Activities to be undertaken in the project:
The project will include a youth exchange during which:
- workshops on the problem of burnout among activists and youth working in the third sector (problems, challenges and solutions)
- yoga sessions
- workshops on the awareness of professional burnout symptoms
- workshops with elements of physical activity to support mental health
- workshops on scorching organizational structure in NGOs
- workshops on healthy communication in an organization/team
What we do during the project:
- we bring the subject of professional burnout closer
- we promote prevention, which prevents the appearance of symptoms of professional burnout among young people entering the labor market
- we exchange observations, good practices used in various European countries
- we show the symptoms of professional burnout and their effects on our mental and physical health
- we discuss what a burnout organizational structure is
- we promote sport as an element supporting our mental health
- we encourage young people to take up difficult social issues and discuss them with young people from other countries during exchanges and training sessions.
The project involves:

Well-being Lab
Project Leader,
Malmö, Sweden

Project Partner,
Lodz, Poland

Active Youth
Project Partner,
Fgura, Malta

Project Partner,
Istambul, Turkey

Empowerment,Mindfulness and Wellbeing "GO Alive"
Project Partner,
Siatista, Kozanis

Project Partner,
San Cesario di Lecce,

Tudatos Tervezésért
Project Partner,
Budapest, Hungary

This project is funded and implemented by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme.