Everyone should take part in such a project at least once in their lives…

My first contact with international exchanges was during the exchange in Lithuania so everything was new to me. What I learned from this project is that speaking in English is not so frightening for me anymore. Every one of us was understanding and patient towards each other and also helpful with any linguistic problems. I met many fascinating people from Lithuania as well as from Poland. Also, it was the beginning of an adventure with Level Up, for which I am extremely grateful. I am glad I got a chance and now I can fulfil myself in this organisation. Surprising how similar we all are, even though we lived and were raised in different countries. We shared the same interests, views, experiences and life situations hence conversation with each person was valuable and interesting. I have very good memories of the whole trip and I think that we, as a Polish Team, had a lot of fun and handled the situation well, even though for everyone it was something completely new. 

I particularly fondly recall one evening when we presented a Polish traditional wedding. We danced, sang and played typical wedding games which were fun and brought a lot of joy 😀 Even such little things as daily fights over hot water and showers (of which there were 5) developed our bond because this topic has always been the subject of jokes. This whole exchange was something I needed at that particular time of my life and I still remember how sad we were to leave Renavas – a beautiful, little village. 

Additionally, I can say that it is an unforgettable and one-of-the-kind experience. Everyone should take part in such a project at least once in their lives. However, one time is not enough 😀 after that one time, everyone wants more! 


Kinga, 16 years old, youth exchange “Cross Cultural Friendship”. 

SEE ALSO: More information about the “Cross Cultural Friendship” project