Grupa ludzi podczas jednych z zajęć.

This was my first time participating in an exchange and I enjoyed it a

It was an interesting experience: meeting new people, discovering new cultures and practicing the language.
The activities were interesting, there was a lot of group work. It allowed us, the participants, to get to know each other better and to connect. I really liked that everyone was so open, and I didn’t have to worry that I wouldn’t get to know or talk to anyone.
The food was interesting. I’m a vegetarian, and there was a little issue with that on site, but the organizers tried to fix it, so I view that positively. I met wonderful people, and it was one of my better trips. I liked the form of the activities. I received all the information from the organizers. I knew everything there was to know and was well-oriented because of that. There were many amusing situations. We had a fun group of people who joked around and had a pleasant time together.

Aleksandra Mizińska 20 years old, youth exchange in Rome –  Dream Youth Acts Eco Logically 

Na stole dania wraz flagą polską

I’ve taken away many positive memories from the exchange.

I met wonderful people with whom I talked both during the workshops and the evening get-togethers, exchanging opinions on topics of interest. Also, I had a chance to prove myself as a team leader on a project where both organizational and interpersonal problems sometimes arose. It was an interesting challenge.
Even though I had to become a team leader due to force majeure. I consider this project to have been a very valuable experience.
I believe that I received excellent support from LEVEL UP, for which I’m thankful. I would also like to thank all the participants of the project, especially the Polish team.

Jakub 21 years old, youth exchange in Rome – Dream Youth Acts Ecologically

Angielska czerwona budka telefoniczna.

This project was an amazing experience that will be forever etched on my memory.

It allowed me to better understand ecological problems as well as learn about eco-habits in other parts of the world. The time spent on the project was full of interesting discussions on environmental issues and more. Moreover, during the trip, I met many wonderful people from different corners of the world.
I fondly remember the international evenings, during which we could relish the flavor
palettes of other countries, among other things. Aside from that, there were opportunities to learn about their music, dances, and traditions. Those were amazing moments that helped us get even closer as a group.
The project was also a great opportunity to improve my English skills as well as learn
some basic words in other languages. Before the trip, I was worried about public speaking, even more so in English… However, it turned out that my fears were unfounded – all the participants were extremely kind and helpful!
I also can’t forget to mention Rome, which I had the opportunity to explore, and the real
Italian cuisine I had the chance to sample!

I would also like to express my immense gratitude to LEVEL UP for the support we
received before, during, and after the project.

Kleopatra 21 years old, youth exchange in Rome – Dream Youth Acts Eco Logically

Grupowe zdjęcie uczestników.

The Erasmus+ youth exchange entitled “Dream Youth Acts Eco
Logically,” which took place from October 18, 2023, through October
27, 2023, in Rome, was the first such mobility I participated in. The
project was devoted to ecology.

During the project, we were accommodated in wooden cabins at a green campsite on the outskirts of Rome. The complex even had a sizable mini-zoo with llamas, donkeys, and other animals in it.

Such an environment was in harmony with the theme and goals of our project.

The main part of this exchange was the daily work in groups and the focus on the practical exchange of information and experiences between participants presupposed by non-formal education. Together with participants from Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Italy, we considered ecological problems and issues. This allowed us to learn more about the environmental reality and the solutions being implemented in different parts of the world. I learned many interesting things from the participants.
This resulted in an increase in my involvement and interest in environmental issues.

We were encouraged to present content in a rather interactive way. It spurred creativity in us, and as a result, absorbing knowledge was often easier and more fun. Perhaps it would have been appropriate to limit this form a bit, however. Often, after several hours of creating scenes, although they’re a very good way of introducing information and presenting the results of your work, as participants, we were already tired of too much creative input on our part. Successful collaboration and its results were definitely

Group activities weren’t only a source of ecology-related knowledge for me.
They were also an opportunity to develop a number of soft skills, such as the ability to work in a team, the art of discussion, solving assigned tasks and problems, and creative thinking. And this is no less important during youth exchanges, but this one also allowed us to connect with participants from different countries and learn about their cultures. Cultural evenings were the culmination, where teams from each country introduced us to their country’s representative features – characteristic dishes, songs, trivia, and dances. Aside from that, there was also an opportunity to compete and test your knowledge through quizzes.

Nevertheless, the trip was not without obstacles of an organizational nature. On the very first day, it turned out that there was no projector on site, as was planned. As a result, it wasn’t possible to give multimedia presentations.

Additionally, since Rome (and Italy as a whole) is an expensive destination, it was apparent that the organization from Azerbaijan sometimes had issues with resolving financial matters, which was later well-explained by one of the organizers, so we were very understanding in that regard. One of the more high-profile issues, as well as the “memes” of this trip, which turned into a rather big “drama,” was also, for example, the mysterious case of the disappearance of forty bananas from the kitchen, which were
intended for afternoon tea.

I believe, however, that even such difficulties added some color and were an interesting experience. They helped us to sometimes try and solve any problems or conflicts creatively or to develop communication skills, for instance.

I would also recommend such a trip as a great opportunity for people trying to break through the language barrier with their English. Since the work was done in mixed groups, intensive use of the language was a must, which is an ideal condition for a breakthrough. We also managed to visit beautiful Rome, though there wasn’t much time for this on a daily basis due to the classes and the distance from the city center. It was an interesting experience to meet in one of Europe’s largest capitals with participants from different countries, admire the city together, and enjoy our stay there.

LEVEL UP supported us throughout the entirety of the exchange. The communication was effective, and we were able to contact each other at any time and get advice or help if we had any questions or issues that needed to be discussed.

Maria, 23 lata, youth exchange in Rome – Dream Youth Acts Eco Logically

Grupa osób podczas szkoleń.

In October 2023, I participated in an Erasmus+ youth exchange in Rome devoted to ecology and environmental protection.


Young people from Poland, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Italy participated in the exchange.

The goal of the exchange was to jointly explore the secrets of the ecological approach. What was characteristic of this exchange was the intensive group work and the focus on information exchange. As well as experiences among one another and non-formal education. The group activities weren’t only a source of in-depth knowledge but also a source of satisfaction from substantive discussion and problem solving. Each country brought an unique perspective on ecology, which resulted in an interesting
exchange of experiences and perspectives.

Working in groups didn’t only make it easier for me to understand complex ecological issues. It also allowed me to form relationships with participants from various countries. Every day during the activities, I felt that I was adding new perspectives to my knowledge and my experience and that I was developing my teamwork skills.

Of course,there was no shortage of all sorts of obstacles, whether in group activities or when organizing the trip. However, I think that these experiences were also valuable and yielded many useful lessons for the future. We also managed to visit Rome, which has now climbed to the top of the list of my favorite European cities. After the end of the project, not only do I feel better prepared to take on environmental challenges, but I have also gained motivation to continue learning more about the subject.
The exchange in Rome was an unforgettable, substantive experience that not only broadened my knowledge but also enriched my life with valuable relationships and the satisfaction of effective collaboration. This certainly isn’t the last project of this kind that I’ll participate in.

Such trips are an excellent opportunity to refresh your mind, spend time productively, and find yourself in an environment that bombards you with valuable experiences from all sides. They’re also a chance to broaden your knowledge in a non-formal way and to meet great people.

Szymon 21 years old, youth exchange in Rome – Dream Youth Acts Eco Logically

Grupa uczestników na tle koloseum.