grupa DIY w drodze do zagrzebia

Thanks to the project, I realised that travelling abroad isn’t actually so difficult…

This trip was really wonderful. I made a lot of new friends and I visited many new places. I could get to know more about people living there, their culture and habits. Local cuisine was delicious. Friendly and smiling people gave us even more positive energy during this trip. Thanks to the project, I realised that travelling abroad isn’t actually so difficult. Everything comes from the thorough organisation and communicative knowledge of language. I’m happy that I could use English in everyday communication after having learnt it for so many years. LEVEL UP organized informative meetings online before the exchange. Thanks to them, we could plan our trip well and get to know some necessary details. During our trip, we maintained constant contact with LEVEL UP. We could expect a quick response and help in the case of potential problems. I’m beyond grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the project, thanks to which I could get to know various countries and travel without my parents, only with peers. Thanks to my whole group for the fantastic 12 days and memories that will last a lifetime!
I encourage everyone to take part in international exchanges. It’s a practical combination of travel and relaxation which teaches young people how to plan trips independently, use knowledge of foreign languages in everyday communication and manage the budget in a proper way to avoid uncertainty about whether you can actually afford certain things.

Filip, 18 years old, Trip through Europe – “Discover It Yourself”

Grupa osób siedząca na podeście nad wodą.

These 12 days were gone in no time, thanks to the people I travelled with. The atmosphere was wonderful, and long conversations united us as a group…

This project was not only great fun for me, but also an opportunity to check and develop leadership skills. The exchange showed me that travelling through Europe by train may be an interesting and fun experience. I’ve only travelled by car before, but the atmosphere, views and memories changed my attitude towards train trips. I’m eager to do it once again. I will never forget some situations that occurred in trains or at platforms. The lack of seats was no longer a problem; in fact, it became an additional attraction, as we made a lot of new friends, sang and discussed during the whole trip. People were very open, friendly and smiling. They told us about their destinations and asked us about ours. Newly met people told stories that put a smile on my face. Breakfasts in parks or some other picturesque places were an integral part of our trip. A recipe for a great beginning of the day? Local specialities accompanied by some beautiful views! We intensively explored wonderful cities and towns to spend the time the best we could and had some long group conversations. We played cards in the evenings. This was an occasion to exchange our daily experiences: what had impressed us the most or which place we considered the most beautiful. These 12 days were gone in no time, thanks to the people I travelled with. The atmosphere was wonderful, and long conversations united us as a group. LEVEL UP fully supported us before, during and after our trip. Communication was really effective: LEVEL UP instantly responded to our questions concerning planning the trip. This let us stay calm when preparing for the travel. Thanks to all the people who made this trip unforgettable, everyone put in some effort and the effects were really worth it!
I encourage you to take part in mobilities realized as a part of non-formal education. They are a great opportunity to leave your comfort zone and experience something wonderful. Through exploring cultures and getting to know new people, you can get a whole new perspective of the world. The very process of preparation for the trip and the journey itself will be a source of unforgettable memories for you. You will acquire skills which will be helpful during such trips in the future, thanks to the travel format.

Maciej, 19 years old, Trip through Europe – “Discover it yourself”

Grupa osób stojąca na murku z uniesionymi w górze rękoma.

Words are not enough to express my gratitude for having the opportunity to be a part of this project and to experience the adventure of a lifetime…

This project made me realise that travelling is for everyone. Young people are also able to organise something extraordinary. I would never even imagine that I’ll be organizing an Eurotrip! Now I know how to plan travelling, where I can look for support and how to manage time.
Words are not enough to express my gratitude for having the opportunity to be a part of this project and to experience the adventure of a lifetime. In the beginning, I was a bit scared that I would be travelling to foreign countries with some five strangers. When we met for the first time at 6 o’clock at the platform, I already knew it would be great. They turned out to be the best team I could ever wish for, and we still stay in touch. How can I summarize this journey? Lack of sleep, no boredom, planning but also spontaneity, rest on the grass with some board games and music.
We had many funny situations. From the time perspective, I find it amusing that we hadn’t had any problems with trains until the last day when we realized that we’d got to the wrong train and the food fell out of our bags. I was really surprised by the fact that it was easy to get along everywhere, in small towns and big cities. Local cuisine and approach to food also impressed me. I thank the LEVEL UP Association for the willingness to help and organization of this trip. I also thank people from my
group: without them, there would be no fun.
I encourage you to take part in mobilities realized as a part of non-formal education, as they are a once-in-a-lifetime experience! Everything you can see on TikTok, in films or series may be a part of your memories too.
Broadening horizons may be the best time of your life.

Marcelina, 18 years old, Trip through Europe – “Discover It Yourself”

Grupa osób robiąca sobie zdjęcie w lustrze

The “Discover it Yourself” project let me make my biggest dream come true. I’ve always dreamt of travelling and exploring different cultures. I met lots of valuable people with various, intriguing interests but similar priorities. Each of us loves trying new things and exploring the world. That’s why we visited 6 countries in 12 days. It was an amazing adventure! I was surprised by warm welcome from local people. I will remember those optimistic faces for a long time! Thanks to them, communicating in English finally became enjoyable! LEVEL UP provided us with support throughout the whole trip; however, it was us, the participants, who were responsible for the success of our journey. This allowed me to learn organization and time management. I’m really grateful that I could take part in this event because the “vibes” were unforgettable! Sunset by the sea, music, playing cards, dining at beautiful places in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere – all of this was a true heaven on Earth! This is only a part of the story of this trip because sometimes we decided not to stick to our strict schedule and made lots of spontaneous decisions, which I enjoyed the most!
I encourage you to participate in mobilities organized as a part of non-formal education. They let us break the barriers, leave our own comfort zones and get to know ourselves on a deeper level! What’s more, it is a great opportunity to get to know some places in the world which we’ve never even dreamt of.

Milena, 18 years old, Trip through Europe – “Discover it yourself”

Grupa osób siedząca na trawie

Sometimes, I didn’t know what to do in certain situations, but I always came up with a solution thanks to the help of my colleagues and organizers…

The “Discover It Yourself” project was the best holiday of my life. I’ve met many great people with whom I stay in touch until now. I was afraid of the language barrier but the trip helped me to overcome this fear. When travelling, I was surprised by smiling people, open to conversations and to getting to know each other. We had many adventures: we travelled by train with no reserved seats, so we sat in the corridor and sang a lot. People around us joined us and even gave their own song proposals. I have really warm memories of this situation. Sometimes, I didn’t know what to do in certain situations, but I always came up with a solution thanks to the help of my colleagues and organizers. I’m beyond grateful for such opportunity. I had so much fun and learned to deal with difficult situations when travelling. It was the best time, and I wouldn’t change anything about this trip, mainly thanks to the people who had spent these 12 days with me. I visited so many beautiful places in the whole Europe. I would have never even dreamt of this.
I encourage you to participate in mobilities realized as a part of non-formal education because travelling teaches how to deal with difficult situations. What’s more, you can meet lots of interesting people and make new friends.

Ola, 18 years old, Trip through Europe – “Discover It Yourself”

Grupa osób siedząca przy stoliku nad wodą.

We travelled by trains and did a lot of sightseeing…

I recall that our trip was full of experiences and lack of sleep. We travelled by trains and did a lot of sightseeing. This showed me that it isn’t easy to plan everything perfectly. Sometimes, the train was late, and we waited several hours for the next one. There were funny moments of irritation. However, we felt united as a group when we tried to manage that time. With time, we started to pay more attention to the trains by which we were travelling and wondered what if we happened to be stuck in some city for some time. In such moments of waiting, we used to eat breakfast in plein-air with music, or we played cards. I was surprised by the Slovenes who were incredibly open and friendly. I remember that one time we ate a meal in the park, and the people walking by were laughing as if they were happy to see us. It was incredible. I’ve got the same fond memories of the meeting with the organization from Maribor, which greeted us cheerfully and guided us with extreme commitment. The project intended to make us fully responsible for the organization of the trip. I really appreciate this fact because it let me learn more.
I encourage you to participate in mobilities organized as a part of non-formal education because they allow you to experience some great initiatives realized abroad and get to know socially active people.

Piotr, 18 years old, Trip through Europe – “Discover It Yourself”

Grupa osób siedząca na ławce w parku