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What I gained from the project were thousands of memories, hundreds of photos and two pens. It was my first youth exchange so I didn’t know what I signed up for. The description mentioned “something related to nature and mental health”.

Despite all efforts, that description was unable to prepare me even one per cent for what I have experienced on this exchange. Overcoming my fears, deep conversations with Latvians (people from Latvia, a word learned on the exchange) at 4 a.m., dancing bachata by the Danube… The only thing missing was a couple of hours of sleep, but well. There were many more important things to do.

At first, I was sceptical about the theme of this project – the topic seemed very general, and I didn’t know what to expect from it. A week of classes and conversations with people showed me how wrong I was. The activities, seemingly unrelated to the topic in a concrete way, stimulated deep reflections on everything and nothing at the same time.

Without a doubt, the best part of the whole exchange was the people. Distanced from our daily routines, we frequently found ourselves immersed in discussions on unconventional topics. Cultures of countries I knew almost nothing about before became closer to me by accidentally discovering them during activities. Everyone was eager to share what they knew, and to hear about what they have not known yet.

What else to write? Polish team will be forever in my heart, Nadia was a fantastic team leader, do not just read this – go and see how it is by yourself. 

If one is eager for adventures, unique memories, and meeting people like nowhere else, then yes. I highly recommend it. You might even learn something along the way.

Aleksander, 20 years old, Nurturing Earth and Wellbeing, youth exchange, Vienna, Austria.

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The exchange in Vienna was one of the most fascinating experiences in my life. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to participate in it. I have met many fascinating people from eight different countries, with whom I still keep in touch.

The project helped me to open up. I could overcome the language barrier through simple conversations because everyone wanted to get to know each other.

I’ve gained a deeper understanding of the importance of mindfulness in today’s world. Small things often play a big role in our environment, and conversation is often the easiest way to communicate.

I hadn’t thought Austrians would be so willing to show us around and recommend the best places in Vienna, they were very helpful. That’s how we visited the Prater, a local amusement park.

The cooperation with LEVEL UP was successful. We had regular contact before, as well as during the trip.

I believe that every person who is eager to explore and discover new cultures from the inside should try to take part in an exchange at least once. It allows us to open up and overcome our barriers and helps us to further develop our language skills.

Amelia, 18 years old, Nurturing Earth and Wellbeing, youth exchange, Vienna, Austria.

Grupa uczestników projektu robiąca sobie selfie.

The project in Austria has not been my first exchange and certainly not my last one. Each adventure from the Erasmus programme surprises me anew.

It’s just a few days that are spent at the classes in a foreign place with strangers around. But, it is truly an unforgettable experience that cannot be described, you have to experience it on your own. I still find it hard to believe how strong relationships can be established in such a short period… I’m very grateful because every time I meet amazing people with whom I feel like we have known each other for years. The creation of valuable relationships was further helped in that case by the project’s theme, which drew attention to taking care of mental health and environment. During classes, we brought up a lot of new issues connected with ecology and sustainability that were completely new to me. We also had the chance to take part in study visits that served as inspiration for initiatives aimed at benefiting our planet. Apart from that, we focused on our daily fears and struggles. We shared our own experiences, and this required mutual trust. I got to know not only the rest of the participants but also myself better. I really appreciate the wonderful program and organisation, the extraordinary commitment of the participants and the delicious food :D.

In many ways, a trip into the unknown involves getting out of the comfort zone. In my opinion, that’s why youth exchanges are a wonderful opportunity for personal development. Before my first trip, my main motivation was to practise speaking in English but I quickly realised that it was just the tip of the iceberg. In my view, everyone should try such a project and experience the Erasmus magic!!

Nadia, 20 years old, Nurturing Earth and Wellbeing, youth exchange, Vienna, Austria. 

Grupa uczestników projektu robiąca sobie selfie.

To begin with, I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to take part in the exchange. This experience was significant to me in numerous ways.

The project’s theme focused on taking care of the environment and our health, especially mental health. These themes are very much related; spending time in nature is a reliable way to improve one’s well-being. Unfortunately, also thoughts about the environment and climate change can generate a lot of stress, it’s so-called „climate anxiety”. The „Nurturing Earth and Wellbeing” exchange had a positive impact on my well-being. It provided an opportunity to meet with inspiring individuals who actively work on enhancing the environment to reduce the impact of climate change. This experience gave me hope for a positive future. 

I recommend everyone to go on an international trip at least once. They give you a chance to interact with many different cultures at once. They broaden our understanding of the world and open new horizons. It is also a good occasion to practice foreign languages.

Patryk, 24 years old, Nurturing Earth and Wellbeing, youth exchange, Vienna, Austria. 

Grupa uczestników projektu robiąca sobie selfie.

This project showed me that cities don’t have to be made of concrete… “Nurturing Earth and Wellbeing” is a project that opened my eyes to how much can still be changed.

The streets could be greener and public transport well-developed. I have learned a lot about sustainability and reforestation. Moreover, I was reminded of the importance of nature or meditation in human life.

The project also tackled mindfulness and mental health issues. It allowed me to see problems differently and to learn about exemplary solutions. During the youth exchange, I had the opportunity to take part in a study visit to Aspern, a sustainable and modern district of Vienna, and to the roof of Ikea, where a beehive was organized.

I have met people from Greece, Latvia, Romania and the Czech Republic, and I have learnt about their view of the world. I felt in Vienna as if I had known them for years, although it was only [or as much as!] a few days. In the evenings, we explored Vienna and spent time at the Prater amusement park.

I strongly encourage everyone to take part in international projects, because it’s a great opportunity to get to know people from all over the world, as well as their cultures and traditions. Sometimes you can even manage to visit more, and when it comes to English, there is nothing to fear about.

Zuza, 18 years old, Nurturing Earth and Wellbeing, youth exchange, Vienna, Austria. 

Grupa uczestników projektu robiąca sobie selfie.