Uczestnicy projektu pozujący do lustra.

The “Dance it out” project was my first experience with the Erasmus+ international exchanges.

I was over the moon to hear about the acceptance of my application as the project’s subject perfectly covered my interests. I hoped to learn about the methods of improving well-being through dance, how to use movement to express emotions, and how to relieve certain negative thoughts or feelings. However, the project impacted me not only in the educational field. It isn’t easy to describe in a few words all the experiences I relive every day that changed my perception of others and myself, but I will do my best to convey at least a part of what I feel. 

The first and probably the most crucial lesson I drew from this project was to regain faith in people. Being in a community of people open to new challenges, eager to talk, help another person, and try to pass on knowledge such as teaching dance steps was a very positive surprise for me. Usually, I am tired of conversations turning out to be boring small talk on work or studies; I become withdrawn and reluctant to make contact with others. People I met during Erasmus showed me that if I am in a good environment, I can get out of my comfort zone. It turned out I am not shy; quite the opposite – I really like to talk with others and share my experiences.  

The other matter that drew my attention is how preparing presentations and presenting them in front of everyone helped me combat my stage fright and develop the ability to improvise when things did not work according to plan. During the training Safe Space, conducted by a Polish group, there was a miscommunication in our team. What I liked was that despite the disagreements we were able to communicate and in the end, the workshop was evaluated very positively by both the participants and us. Generally, I think the idea of such activities during the project is an excellent opportunity to step out of one’s comfort zone, especially as many people find it difficult to give presentations in a foreign language. 

The next thing I need to mention is of course dance. After reading the project plan, I expected rather many theoretical classes. To my surprise, I was able to try myself in a variety of dance styles. What I liked the most were the Deane Therapy classes during which we learnt the basics of dance therapy techniques. I also enjoyed the workshop during which, as a team, we prepared our own choreography intended to show an emotion of sadness. In addition to these activities, I thoroughly enjoyed the Latino dance workshop and… the final performance. It was exquisite! We only had 1 day to arrange the group choreographies and the result turned out great! 

Summing up, I think the most important thing about the “Dance it out” project for me was to open up to new people, to new experiences. Since I came back to Poland, I am more eager to talk with strangers and try new things. The project inspired me to explore my self-development, learn a new language (Italian) that I’ve always dreamed of learning, and be open to new people and experiences. Thank you for this opportunity.

The Dance it out! project helped me to open up to new experiences and bond with others. It showed me that, as humans, despite our differences, we are actually quite similar. I improved my English language, interpersonal abilities and stress management. I met many wonderful people I still miss and hope to meet again.

Marta, 19 years old, Dance it out! Youth Exchange, Kowno, Lithuania

My memories from the exchange in Lithuania could be described in one word: “surprise”. A very positive surprise. I completely changed my perception of this country – earlier, I had a rather negative view of Eastern countries. It is incredible how the Erasmus+ projects can help in breaking stereotypes and thinking patterns!

One of the things that surprised me the most was nature. Lithuania is full of greenery, beautiful flowers and picturesque landscapes. I particularly remember a free day we spent on a solo trip to Vilnius. We accidentally found ourselves at the parade of Poles living abroad – it was really unexpected and fascinating! Hundreds or even thousands of Poles walked down the street with flags, singing national songs and the anthem. Besides, Vilnius is really charming, and a simple walk around the city while enjoying the views was a pleasure. Of course, it couldn’t happen without crazy adventures such as stepping into a river to take a photo on a swing. People stood on the riverbank and recorded us; others followed us and lined up to do the same as us. However, we had the most surprising experience during a train trip. We decided to go despite the lack of seats, which shocked the train conductor and the passengers. We proudly sat on the floor, and, to our surprise, a young Lithuanian came up to us and talked with us the whole ride. What’s more, we met again when returning by the same train and we continued our conversation. I was amazed by his openness and eagerness to connect – I am not sure if I would be courageous enough to come up to a group of strangers and start a conversation.

I am grateful to the LEVEL UP organisation for selecting so incredible Polish people. Our team was united and full of positive energy, which was also confirmed by participants from other countries, through a so-called “gossip box”. 

My experiences from the exchange in Lithuania are more than learning about a new country. It is mostly about discovering new perspectives, creating new friendships and experiencing unforgettable adventures. I am very grateful for this opportunity and I highly recommend everyone to participate in Erasmus+ projects.

Marysia, 19 years old, Dance it out! Youth Exchange, Kowno, Lithuania

Dziewczyny pozujące do zdjęcia.

From the project, I gained new connections, friends, and courage. I learnt many new for me dance styles and possibilities to move my own body.

I met interesting and inspiring people. Lithuania surprised me with beautiful landscapes, a number of churches and lakes. The cuisine and culture were not very shocking – I think they are very similar to the Polish. However, I fell in love with the curd cheese bars :)) 

The whole organisation, the LEVEL UP facilitators, creates a close-knit team, always eager to help in case of an issue. My biggest barrier was the language, but I think it greatly improved after the exchange. The funniest situation during the project was preparing a Polish evening. We had awesome fun with “cooking” traditional Polish soups and making up a national dance.

It was an amazing experience and I am grateful for the opportunity to go; I will remember it very well. 

I believe such exchanges shape our personality and build the courage to meet new people and get to know their culture. I recommend that everyone gives themselves a chance to experience such a project and the same things I did because I think this exchange changed me in a good way.

Oliwia, Dance it out! Youth Exchange, Kowno, Lithuania

Maja-Say no to racism

It was my second youth exchange project, and for the second time, I need to say – it wasn’t the last!

Again, it exceeded my expectations; I visited a beautiful place, created new, incredible friendships (generally, all participants were great), and learnt many new and very valuable things, such as expressing emotions through dance. In general, I opened up a lot and got to know new cultures and customs in other countries. Lithuania surprised me positively as I thought it was a cold country whereas the weather was great and the surroundings with a cloudless sky and sunshine made me very happy. It’s not easy to describe one situation as the whole project was intense in a positive way. I experienced many beautiful moments. Although my English is not the best, I felt comfortable, and everyone was understanding and eager to help. I loved that everyone was engaged during the classes, and everyone did their best during our final show. I could write much more but I would run out of space, so at the very end, I wanted to thank the LEVEL UP organisation for the opportunity to participate in the project, our coordinators, who did a great job during the whole project, my group of friends with whom I grew most close (who knows, knows, haha) and in general, all the participants who made the whole project so incredible! Let’s hope for more!

I would like to recommend these projects to literally everyone! Everyone who meets the requirements. It is a perfect opportunity to simply grow, especially when it’s completely free. You can improve your English, meet new people, new cultures, and visit a new country/city. Also, you don’t have to be a prominent philologist – all you need is a bit of determination, trying to open up and talk with others. The rest will follow. I haven’t met a person who was on such a project and after their first one said that it’s not for them and they didn’t like it. People, use the opportunitiy!

Szymon, 23 years old, Dance it out! Youth Exchange, Kowno, Lithuania

Wygłupy chłopców do zdjęcia.

The Erasmus+ project “Dance it out!” was an exceptional experience that changed my views on dance and its therapeutic effects.

Taking part in this project enabled me to understand how dance may be used as a therapeutic tool, bringing both physical and psychological benefits. I met many inspiring people, both participants from different countries and coordinators leading the workshops. The experience exchange and observation of diverse approaches to dance therapy were very enriching. It was shocking for me how different cultures integrate dance into their traditions and how universal its language is. The project was a great experience in terms of language and culture. I met a lot of people with whom I still keep in touch.

I recommend it and I would encourage everyone by sharing my experiences. 

Weronika, 19 years old, Dance it out! Youth Exchange, Kowno, Lithuania

Dziewczyny pozujące na ławce w parku.