Uczestnicy projektu pozujący do zdjęcia.

Each time I am amazed by the temper and lifestyle of people from other countries…

When going for the project, I had no images of Portugal or its people, but the Portuguese team and the people we interacted with made me feel instantly at home, even though I was more than three thousand kilometers away from Warsaw.
This was my fourth Erasmus project, but the first in which I allowed myself to calm down. This helped me to better analyze the issues discussed and immediately verify if I possess certain skills in the context of creating my own initiatives/businesses, as we discussed a lot.
Each time I am amazed by the temper and lifestyle of people from other countries. This time I had the opportunity to co-create the project with people from Cyprus, Greece, Portugal, Estonia, the Netherlands and Poland. It’s amazing how the country you live in defines your dynamics and your reactions!
I am unquestionably grateful to LEVEL UP for the opportunity to participate in this unique adventure – without them I would not have known that Portugal, and more specifically Porto, is my safe space on the other side of the world. I believe that soon I will be able to invite you all to my blue house by the river!
I’ve been recommending Erasmus mobility for some time now, and for this particular trip I was able to fly with Zuzia, with whom we’ve known each other for four years. Above all, the projects are an amazing opportunity to improve your English and get to know yourself on a completely new level! Words cannot express how exceptional these initiatives are – it simply has to be experienced!

Ania, 20 years old, youth exchange in Guimaraes- „Youth Comp – Social Entrepreneurship for Young People”

Grupa ludzi siedząca na kocach i oglądająca zachód słońca

I have experienced many wonderful moments during the project…

The exchange in Portugal was a great experience for me! During the project I experienced many wonderful moments, met fantastic people and improved my knowledge of entrepreneurship. The activities on the topic of the project were very interesting and developed our skills, thanks to participation in them I was able to integrate with all the people taking part in the exchange. Our activities were mainly based on informal ways of transferring knowledge, and before each session we performed energizers, which improved our mood and gave us more energy. 🙂 My favorite activities were outdoor games (I had the opportunity to discover the beauty of the town of Guimarães and get to know the locals) and drawing portraits of all the exchange participants. I also really enjoyed my trip to Porto during my day off, where I saw the most famous monuments and places and watched an amazing sunset by the ocean. My positive feelings after the exchange are mainly due to the people I met there and with whom I became strongly attached in a short time. Our organizers Isabel and Patricia are two wonderful women who have created a great project. Each day they created a fantastic atmosphere and mobilized us to take action. In addition, the rest of the exchange participants were also very friendly, open and helpful. I am incredibly grateful that I was able to take part in this exchange and experience such amazing moments. I would also like to thank the LEVEL UP organization for the opportunity to participate in the project and the support both before and during the trip.
I encourage you to participate in non-formal education mobilities, as they offer unforgettable moments, valuable experience and the opportunity to meet new people and cultures. They also help overcome the language barrier and open up to the world and others. I whole-heartedly recommend these types of trips, and I myself am looking forward to future projects in which I hope to have the opportunity to participate. 🙂

Julia, 19 years old, youth exchange in Guimaraes- „Youth Comp – Social Entrepreneurship for Young People”

Grupa osób pozująca na tle miasta podczas zachodu słońca

I really liked that everyone was open to the other person and we often spent together the breaks between classes…

The trip to Portugal was my first exchange. During the project I met many wonderful people, learned about entrepreneurship and more. Each of the participants had different points of view and by sharing them with the group we were able to learn more. I really liked the task in which we talked in small groups about a specific topic. This allowed everyone to express their opinion and break the language barrier. I was able to test and expand my English skills. During cultural evenings, each country presented its traditions, thanks to which I know more about the customs in the specific countries. I think the daily schedule was very well arranged, since there was time for activities and spending it with friends or for exploring the area. I liked that everyone was open to the other person and we often spent the breaks between classes together rather than in groups. I loved the atmosphere of the village where we stayed. The views were indescribable. The organizers of the project, Patricia and Isabel were very creative and helpful. They spent pleasant evenings together with us, for example during karaoke.
I encourage you to participate in mobilities realized as part of
non-formal education, as it is an opportunity to expand knowledge and experience.

Julia, youth exchange in Guimaraes- „Youth Comp – Social Entrepreneurship for Young People”

Grupa osób pozująca na tle miasta podczas zachodu słońca

The project taught me the importance of creativity in a person’s life…

The project taught me the importance of creativity in a person’s life. It also showed me that you can’t limit yourself and you should benefit from everything, in moderation, of course ;). On the exchange I met a lot of kind and nice people, with whom I keep in touch to this day. It was nice to hear stories about the various regional customs of Croats, Cypriots, Dutch, Greeks, Estonians and, above all, Portuguese. This country surprised me with the beauty of the tenements and other buildings. I really liked this “tiled style.” Besides, I was captivated by the mountains in Guimarães. I love mountains so this city was perfect for me. It combined everything I love. My biggest barrier is undoubtedly the English language but each exchange improves my skills. Exchanges are the best way to learn a language. Conversation with another person gives you a spectrum to develop your vocabulary in variety of fields. One of the moments I remember most is revealing hidden friends. All participants of the exchange were really emotional, especially joyful then. These emotions were manifested, for example, by unexpected reactions, gifts and even by throwing pillows. I would like to thank Maciek, team leader who did a great job. Thanks also go to Isabel and Patricia who prepared perfect activities which met the needs of the group.
International trips are unforgettable adventures that develop mind, shape character and build new friendships. This way you build memories for life and develop yourself. Cross the boundaries and enjoy the diversity of cultures!

Kacper, 18 years old, youth exchange in Guimaraes- „Youth Comp – Social Entrepreneurship for Young People”

4 osoby robiące sobie selfi na tle zabytku

Since the end of the project, I consider this as one of the most valuable lessons…

Going to the project, I had no ideas about Portugal or its people. However, travel to Guimarães and week there with participants of other nations was an unforgettable experience. A major challenge was communication, most participants were not English natives. My stay in Guimaraes is my first project and I know that the exchange should be treated as an intensified English course (sometimes sign language when English failed.) Proacting, the partner that hosted the participants, provided us with appropriate conditions, most importantly, a precisely scheduled stay. The main pillar of the exchange was based on activities with the theme of young adults in the labor market. These activities pulled me out of my usual behavior and opened me up to a different way of being around people of various personalities and sensibility. Since the end of the project, I consider this as one of the most valuable lessons.
I encourage people to take part in non-formal education mobilities, because it’s an opportunity to test yourself on many levels and to gain skills that can be implemented in everyday life. You will learn how to organize your time, stay within your travel budget, speak up in front of the group and say what you think and what you feel (WE CARE.) It’s worth it!

Maciek, 25 years old youth exchange in Guimaraes- „Youth Comp – Social Entrepreneurship for Young People”

4 osoby robiące sobie selfi na tle zabytku

My days were passing in a blink of an eye, there was always something to do…

The exchange in Portugal was the first project of this kind in which I participated. The most important thing I learned from this, just over a week’s stay, was the feeling that I can rely on people around me, even if we haven’t known each other for long. Socializing with other participants and wonderful class leaders was definitely something I will remember the longest and best. I never felt excluded or lonely, but when I needed a breath, I was able to find space for it and spend time alone. My days went quickly, there was constantly something to do – between group activities and meals together (also one of my favorite times of the day!) we spent time in groups or exploring the area on our own. Guimarães had a lot to offer – a ride up to the viewpoint by a cableway, festival with a disco (in the middle of the week!) or just a walk around the charming old town. An exciting highlight of the project were certainly the cultural evenings organized by each team. People from Poland, Portugal, Croatia, Greece, the Netherlands, Cyprus and Estonia participated in our project – each group had something interesting to share, the presentations were accompanied by traditional snacks. As for the skills polished or gained during the workshop, I personally improved my self-confidence and willingness to speak up in a bigger group, which is invaluable in any area of life, but especially in professional life. For me, the exchange meant stepping out of my comfort zone, but I didn’t regret this choice for a moment, I gathered a lot of positive experiences and in the process, saw a piece of the beautiful country that Portugal turned out to be.
I encourage you to take part in non-formal education mobilities because it is an ideal opportunity to test yourself in unfamiliar situations, get out of your comfort zone, learn something new about yourself, meet different perspectives, people from all over Europe and see a new piece of the world!

Zuza, 20 years old, youth exchange in Guimaraes- „Youth Comp – Social Entrepreneurship for Young People”

Grupa osób robiąca sobie selfi