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The training was demanding and motivating us to work…

For me, this project was an extraordinary adventure and an answer to the questions that appeared in my head. The training was demanding and motivating us to work. I learned a lot about volunteering and also about self-development (Self- Directed Learning).

For me, the most important moment of the project was creating a training for the rest of the participants of the project within the team. Back then, I could test myself as a trainer and receive valuable feedback after completing the task.

For me, the travel to Estonia was exceptional, because it’s the most northerly country I’ve ever been to. I got to know the local cuisine, I had a chance to use the sauna and visit the country’s capital, Tallinn. Most importantly, I met amazing people with whom I hope to keep in touch in the future.

If you are curious about other cultures, you care about self-development, gaining new skills and knowledge, then this is something for You. I encourage everyone, no matter where you come from and who you are. I don’t know anybody who would regret participating in such a trip.

Agnieszka, 29 years old, Estonia, training – Involve me and I will learn

See also: More about the project Involve me and I will learn

Thanks to this project, I could see my advantages that I hadn’t paid attention to earlier…

I got to know many platform useful in learning or searching for trips and voluntary work. I broadened my knowledge about IYE and YWM and I also learned the differences between them. I also had a chance to plan my own project. Regarding all of this, I also had a chance to collaborate with amazing people!

The weather was depressing, although we did get to see the sun. The amazing feeling was when we went kayaking after the rain and during the kayaking, the sun came up unexpectedly. I will never forget this view! The evenings were equally nice, and in spite of the tiredness after a day full of activities, we still had the energy for karaoke! Not forgetting about the relax in the sauna.

The best moment was when one evening, after going to the sauna, I even entered the river.

If you’re still hesitating, then I’m telling you there’s nothing to think about. If you have an opportunity, just use it! English language practice, new acquaintances, and above all – a wonderful subject of the trip, from which you will get a lot of necessary knowledge.

Dominika, 18 years old, Estonia, training – Involve me and I will learn

See also: More about the project Involve me and I will learn

Everybody was very friendly and helpful…

From the 1st to the 9th of November, I took part in my third Erasmus+ project in Kose-Uuemoisa in Estonia. It was a training on the subject: “Involve and I will learn”. During this project, I met many amazing people from Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Hungary, Azerbaijan, Poland, and Estonia.

It was my first training course, so I was a bit anxious because I thought this project would be very formal, where the participation of the NGO’s employees would be big. We completed many workshops, during which we could meet organizations from other countries.

I learned a lot about working as a volunteer. But my favourite classes were those that concerned ourselves. We had to write down what we had learned during our whole lives, and it showed me how many things I know and I can do. I also really liked the city game in Tallinn, where we had many tasks to complete, so we explored the whole city.

During this project, I confirmed to myself that I love teamwork with other people from different countries. Many workshops show me that everyone is different, but equal, even if we come from different regions.

Improving my level of English took me a week, so I’m very grateful, and thanks to that I didn’t have any obstacles when it came to talking to and working with people from other countries.

I’d never been to Estonia, and it was a really amazing time because I think that I did everything that Estonia offered to me. I visited the capital of Estonia – Tallinn, a really beautiful city and I can say that it has the most beautiful old town I’ve ever seen.

I am so grateful that I was able to kayak with my new friend from Italy, Alice, sit in the sauna where it was about ninety degrees inside, swim in a very icy river and sit in a hot tub outside. I heard and read many heartbreaking words, which improved my self-confidence.

I was very surprised by the weather because I knew that it was very cold in Estonia, but I didn’t think there would be no sun for nine days! The accommodation was great, close to the forest and the river. We slept in cosy cottages and the food was really delicious. For me, this project was very educational and motivated me to volunteer on an even larger scale.

The possibility of self-development, I highly recommend.

Julia, 22 years old, Estonia, training – Involve me and I will learn

See also: More about the project Involve me and I will learn

I think that everybody should participate in an exchange at least once…

I’m happy that I could take part in international trainings with people from Italy, Hungary, Lithuania, Greece, Estonia, Portugal and Azerbaijan. I learned more about Erasmus+ and SDL (Self- Directed Learning). We had an occasion to get to know our strengths and realize who and what motivates us. We shared our volunteering experiences. At the end of the project, we conducted group workshops for all participants.

During the exchange, we found time to relax in the sauna and to get to know Estonian culture. We also went kayaking. One day, our task was to complete a city game in Tallinn, thanks to which we saw the most important tourist attractions in the city. Despite the winter aura, we had a lot of fun.

It’s an amazing adventure and an occasion to meet people from all around the world. You can share experiences and inspire each other for actions, but above all, these are beautiful memories.

Kamila, 24 years old, Estonia, training – Involve me and I will learn

See also: More about the project Involve me and I will learn