Zdjęcie grupowe uczestników projektu ,,Interculturality is our reality"

I had the pleasure of meeting project participants from over a dozen different countries. Each participant brought a completely different color palette, which allowed us to gain terrific insight into the theme of the project. This experience opened my eyes to the diversity of the world and resulted in a lot of inspiration and valuable lessons learned…

This year, in February, I had the opportunity to participate in the “Interculturality is our reality” project in Midwolda, Netherlands. We started our journey through the rainy Netherlands with a visit to the capital, then, heading to our charming Dutch village, we visited a large part of the northern region of the country. I am grateful to have participated in this project, which was an incredible adventure and an exceptional opportunity for me to meet new people, cultures and grow as a person. I had the pleasure of meeting project participants from over a dozen different countries. Each participant brought a completely different color palette, which allowed us to gain terrific insight into the theme of the project.

This experience opened my eyes to the diversity of the world and resulted in a lot of inspiration and valuable lessons learned. Thanks to this project, I had the opportunity to broaden my horizons, gain new perspectives, and better understand myself and others. During the activities, we held numerous workshops, debates, and many discussions on topics such as working with youth in our communities and the difficulties and opportunities involved. My fondest memory will be of the cultural evenings, during which each country had the opportunity to present its cultural elements, language, cuisine or music. As the Polish team, we couldn’t help but prepare our national dish – pierogi. In our free time, we would catch rays of sunshine while walking and admiring the architecture and nature around us. It was a wonderful feeling, courtesy of the emerging springtime. I am grateful for this unique opportunity for personal growth and cross-cultural exchange, which will forever remain in my memory. As we grow surrounded by diverse cultures, we open ourselves up to new insights and gain a richer perspective on life, as well as expose ourselves to a variety of experiences. I would really like to thank the organizers of the training course and the wonderful girls with whom I had the opportunity to spend those wonderful moments. During the training course, but both before and after it, we were assisted by LEVEL UP on a regular basis, which certainly made it easier to get a lot of information about the project.

Such trips are incredibly inspiring and bring many benefits. They allow us to be open to cultural diversity, gain new perspectives, and experience things that we wouldn’t find in everyday life. Meeting people from different cultures not only broadens our horizons but also teaches us empathy, tolerance, and understanding. In addition, this type of training course is a kind of adventure; it can be an excellent opportunity for personal growth and getting to know ourselves from a different side. It allows us to cross our own boundaries, overcome our fears, and go out of our comfort zone. It’s an unforgettable experience worth being a part of at least once in a lifetime.

Maja Siadek, 23 years old, Interculturality is our reality

Wręczenie certyfikatów w ramach projektu Interculturality is our reality

In keeping with the theme, it was a time spent in an international environment, with participants coming from more than a dozen different countries. As a result, we were able to learn a lot about different cultures, the similarities and differences between us, and develop international relationships…

In February, I took part in the “Interculturality is our reality” project. In the charming Dutch town of Midwolda, near Groningen, we were greeted by the first rays of spring sunshine, the first crocuses, snowdrops, and, of course, tulips. In keeping with the theme, it was a time spent in an international environment, with participants coming from more than a dozen different countries. As a result, we were able to learn a lot about different cultures, the similarities and differences between us, and develop international relationships. During the activities, we discussed problems related to working with youth in our communities and tried to find solutions together. On the other hand, during cultural evenings we had the opportunity to learn national dances or basic phrases in foreign languages and taste local dishes. I have very fond memories of the Polish evening when, together with the girls from our Polish team, we organized a workshop on pierogi making for all those who wanted to participate. For me, the trip was a time of relaxation, forgetting about everyday worries, and constant laughter. It will certainly remain in my memory for a long time to come. 

I wholeheartedly recommend such trips to anyone who wants to experience an incredible adventure, meet people from various countries, grow as a person, and learn a lot about themselves.

Ola Jasiurska, 29 years old, Interculturality is our reality

Kolaż zdjęć-wspomnienia z mobilności INTERCULTURALITY IS OUR REALITY

Together with participants from various countries, I took part in many interesting activities; thanks to cultural evenings, I got to know the flavors, history, and traditions of different countries…

In February, I had the pleasure of participating in the “Interculturality is our reality” project. I put my backpack on and set off to experience a wonderful adventure, and when I arrived, I was captivated by the charming setting of our project. Midwolda enchanted me not only with its beautiful Dutch architecture but also with the nature surrounding us. You could feel the pleasant atmosphere on the project from the moment the very first activities began, and despite the distance separating us on a daily basis, we felt like a family. Together with participants from various countries, I took part in many interesting activities; thanks to cultural evenings, I got to know the flavors, history, and traditions of different countries. During the course of the activities, we were able to exchange ideas on working with youth and explore new approaches. I also have very fond memories of preparing and running an “escape room” activity for the group. This was a new experience for me and helped me overcome some of my barriers. It was a busy but also unforgettable time with a wonderful group of people. Above all, I would like to thank LEVEL UP for the opportunity to go on such a trip and the support before, during, and after the project, the organizers, and the Polish team for the memories that will stay with me for a long time. I came back highly motivated to continue working with youth and with a mind full of ideas. 

I wholeheartedly recommend such trips; you can learn a lot on them and experience some incredible moments!

Olga Przeniesławska, 21 years old, Interculturality is our reality

Wieczorek międzykulturowy-Polska w ramach projektuINTERCULTURALITY IS OUR REALITY