Aleksandra Jaroszek
I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Business Finance and International Business Relations (specialization: International Logistics) at the University of Economics in Poznan. Currently, I’m a final-year student of my graduate studies majoring in Project Management also at the University of Economics in Poznan. I’ve participated in a six-month student exchange program at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim.
I have 5 years of experience in cooperation with NGOs. Besides LEVEL UP, I’m currently involved in volunteer work including Project Management Institute, and academically with Enactus Poland. Moreover, I’m a mentor for volunteers from the European Solidarity Corps.
I have undergone many leadership training courses including first level training of the Academy of Leaders of the Republic of Poland, I graduated from the Academy of Leaders in Poznan and the School of Leaders.
I have participated in many exchanges and trainings under the Erasmus+ programme.
I’m interested in management and leadership in a broad sense, especially project management and intercultural management. Moreover, I’m interested in design thinking and personality psychology.