YOUropean logo projektu

YOUropean: What is Europe to you?

This is a strategic project involving four adult education organisations. It will include four study visits for teachers, trainers and project coordinators, each conducted by a different partner. The aim of these visits (and the whole project) is to exchange experiences and good practices betweeen teachers/trainers from partner organisations, as well as to expand knowledge how to promote European programmes and sense of belonging to UE among adult learners.

Reference number


Project duration

01.01.2023 – 31.07.2024

Activities to be carried out in the project:

  • Four study visits on the subject of promoting European values among groups such as unemployed people, participants in vocational courses, students and those benefiting from non-formal education
  • Creating a handbook of good practices to promote the learning opportunities offered by EU programmes and to disseminate tools and methodologies useful in adult education
  • Creating a short movie in which teachers and pupils/students will share their thoughts on the subject of UE and possibilities it creates

What we do during the project:

  • Exchange know-how with trainers, teachers and project coordinators from other organisations
  • Work on improving the quality of adult education in our organisations 
  • Promote good practices leading to increase knowledge on UE and its programmes among pupils and students


The following organisations are involved in the project:

Ajuntament Alzira + IDEA logo

Municipal Office of Alzira

Project Leader, Spain

Centrum szkoleniowe POLARIS, Vasto, Włochy, YOUropean

POLARIS training centre

Project Partner, (Vasto) Italy

Stowarzyszenie K-GEM, Ankara, Turcja, YOUropean

K-GEM Association

Project Partner, (Ankara), Türkiye

logo Stowarzyszenia LEVEL UP

LEVEL UP Association

Project Partner, Poland

As a summary of the project, we present a guide of good practices for promoting EU values ​​in adult education, which was created on the basis of study visits.

Good Practices
Logo Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności

Source of funding: The project is realised and funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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