The project is our answer to arising cultural barriers, suspicions and isolation of Europeans. These phenomena were intensified by recent events, such as the conflict in the Ukraine and the potential risk of mass migration. In order to counteract such negative tendencies, our initiative based on sport aims to promote inclusion, regardless of race, gender or economic status.
Project reference
Project duration
30.07.2023 – 29.03.2024
Activities to be undertaken in the project:
- Fight against isolationism, which affects young people, with 11% unable to pay to attend sports events and 5% with no access to sports facilities.
- Getting to know and accept various cultures and values as a way of counteracting isolation and creating a more open and understanding community.
- Bringing attention back to the importance of young people having access to opportunities that will not only affect their health but also active participation in society and building intercultural bridges.
- Answering challenges which affect young Europeans and provoke their feelings of isolation and lack of trust.
What we do during the project:
- We organise sports activities and conversations which will help participants to develop team and communication skills, self-confidence and sense of responsibility
- We organise cultural and linguistic events aimed at promoting tolerance and improving English language competencies
- We raise participants’ awareness of the importance of sport for their physical and mental health, as well as social inclusion
- We raise participants’ awareness of the importance of sport for their physical and mental health, as well as social inclusion
- We create a platform for international cooperation to understand different cultures and break down identity barriers
- We create a platform for international cooperation to understand different cultures and break down identity barriers
- We equip participants with the skills and tools needed to effectively
The following organisations are involved in the project:

Lietuvos etnosporto komitetas
Project leader, Lithuania

Association LEVEL UP
Project partner, Poland

Future Europe Gençlik Grubu
Project partner, Türkiye

Georgian Youth Development Association
Project partner, Georgia

Organizatia Tinerilor pentru Sport si Mediu
Project partner, Moldova

Young Agents of Change
Project partner, Ukraine

"InMotion Armenia" Youth NGO
Project partner, Armenia

Source of funding: The project is realised and funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme