One of the most sensitive problems that arise in almost every EU country is discrimination against sexual minorities. Sexual orientation is now recognized in the EU as a basis of discrimination against people. The prohibition of discrimination and the protection of human rights are important elements of the EU legal order. Nevertheless, discrimination against LGBTQI + people persists across the EU and takes many forms, including verbal abuse and even physical violence. To change the current approach and reduce discrimination and violence against the LGBTQI + community, we take part in the EQUALITY + project, where we will broaden our knowledge and share experience in the field of LGBTQI +, learn about the issues of sexual minorities and break stereotypes.
Project number:
Duration of the exchange:
18.07.2022 –
26.07. 2022
Actions to be taken in the project:
As part of the project, a youth exchange will be carried out, during which the following will take place:
- Workshops and sessions on breaking stereotypes and myths about the LGBTQI + community
- Learning and paying attention to the subject of the project through the art of film
- Discussions with guests and LGBTQI + experts
- Learning about proven NFE (Non-Formal Education) methods
What do we do during the project:
- We raise awareness and understanding of the rights of LGBTQI + people
- We learn about legal and social tools useful in the fight for the rights of LGBTQI + people
- We identify high-profile cases that occur in the home countries of participants and look for ways to reduce intolerance and discrimination in the society
- We extend the idea of tolerance and show society that every person, regardless of sexual orientation, political views, religious affiliation and origin, belongs to the same society and has the same rights as the rest of the population
- We develop creativity and expand sensory boundaries

Traku rajono veiklaus jaunimo asociacija
Project leader,

Project partner,

Noored Ühiskonna Heaks
Project partner,

Institute for Cultural Relations Policy
Project partner,

Future Europe Youth Group
Project partner,

ADEL Slovakia
Project partner,

The project is financed and implemented by the European Union under the Erasmus + program.