What’s up in the third sector?
Through the project, we want to increase the activization of young people so as they will become citizens involved in democratic and social life. We want young people to tell us what is important to them, to participate in dialogue with decision-makers and in the life of the third sector, to have respect for voluntary activities, and to be more willing to engage in democratic processes related to social action, to know the importance of cross-sector networking and the results that can arise from it.
During the project, we want to create a space for dialogue between young people, youth organisations and other NGOs, schools, businesses with a social focus, and decision-makers involved in creating the third sector in our area. For the project, we want to invite experts – long-term social activists, but also ordinary volunteers acting locally. Greater awareness about the sector increases interest in matters that affect us, since many local citizens benefit from the activities of NGOs, or create them at some stage in their lives. The third sector at local level is an important element of building organisational structures at national or European level.
Project reference number
Project duration:
01.09.2023 – 30.04.2025
What we do during the project:
- Creating a board game and workshops using the game – each workshop will take around 2 hours. This time will allow us to both play the game and discuss its elements and the whole process of learning. An online evaluation will take place after each workshop. The youth will get to know in practice the third sector’s opinion and see its functioning from a broader perspective. We will present the environment and social and political elements shaping this sector, as well as how the sector shapes the place in which it works.
- A panel — During the panel we will try to ensure possibly the broadest, from the practical view, range of perspectives. We will include people with different experiences and of different ages. We will use a Deliberation method, i.e. the participants’ conversations which include attentive listening to each other and considering different options. This activity is a key element of the citizens’ panel. We want the youth to have an opportunity to work with experts and decision-makers, to get to know different opinions and verify their views.
- Local NGOs fair – Representatives of local NGOs, volunteers, decision-makers and educators will be able to meet during the NGOs Fair. The fair will include numerous workshops and panel discussions, lead by people from the third sector in Łódź, with experience in NGOs’ functioning. Representatives of local self-government will also participate in the event. The participants will be able to attend workshops, debates and discussions. The event will be organised in a large space. Registered organisations will be able to display their merchendise and talk about their activities. We plan to include at least 20-30 organisations, federations or associations of NGOs, student organisations, and local self-government partners.
- Ideathon – The event will start with a summary of the result so far, presenting the game, our podcasts and project’s goals. Then, we will move to the main event. The youth will have an opportunity to build interdisciplinary teams and create innovative solutions. A team of 5 to 7 people will receive support from mentors such as experts and decision-makers, who will also take part in the group work. The event aims to result in development of a prototype, possibly a project, of an application or a service in the areas of management, digitisation, marketing or others related to the future of the third sector. The event is created for young people who are socially active and dream about their own organisation, creating a project, being able to cooperate with public administration or making a difference in their local area.
Activities to be carried out in the project:
- cross-sector networking (business – NGO – public)
- building trust to NGOs at local level
- promoting transparency and visibility of NGOs
- presenting quality of NGOs’ actions, increasing social inclusion
- showing NGOs as an open, dynamically changing, active and result-achieving sector
- acquiring new competencies by youth through creating podcasts and a game, to use during workshops
- creating space for cooperation between young people and decision-makers, and between schools and NGOs
- learning about new educational forms
- developing new solutions and ideas in the field of NGOs and volunteering
- developing young people’s competencies during the project implementation

The project is funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme.