Become young entrepreneur
Become young entrepreneur is a project targeted at youth entering the job market, which is currently changing rapidly. Desired competencies, required qualifications, changes in work routines, or culture shifts in organisations are all factors that create 21st-century work. The project’s primary goal is to help young people from 6 countries learn about and discover the world of entrepreneurial life, which may seem out of reach for young people these days.
The project will take place in Lutomiersk, Poland. Each group from a particular country is involved in creating workshops on topics such as marketing, communication and leadership, economic or human resources.
Project reference number:
Project duration:
2023.03.01 – 2024.11.30
Actions that will be taken in the project:
- Preparatory visit
- Workshops on marketing, communication, leadership, economic resources, human resources.
- SWOT analysis – analyse your business
- A visit to a local startup
- A visit to a business incubator
- Workshops on modern business requirements
During the project, we will:
- Show young people that entrepreneurial life does not have to be only a dream
- Share good working practices that are present in each partner country
- Raise awareness of the risks an entrepreneur may face
- Promote EU values
- Share the professional experiences we have
- Create a safe space to talk about the challenges we face in the job market
- Build relationships based on mutual help and support
The following are involved in the project:
Asociacion LEVEL UP
Project leader
Lodz, Poland
Active Green Solution
Project partner
Serres, Greece
Uluslararası Bambu Eğitim Derneği
Project partner
Istanbul, Turkiye
“Extramus” Experience Travel Erasmus APS
Project partner
Terranova da Sibari, Italy
Tudatos Tervezésért Egyesület
Project partner
Budapest, Hungary
Associacio Cultura Creativa
Project partner
Gandia, Spain
Source of funding: The project is funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ program.