Back to 7000 BC

The project focuses on promoting intercultural dialogue among young people. The youth will meet in the Aswan region of Egypt, where together they will create a safe space for dialogue and exchange of experiences concerning tolerance and social integration in a culturally and religiously diverse society. The project will involve 36 participants (including 6 team leaders and 30 young people aged 18-30). Their activities will be supported by a workshop facilitator.

The Back to 7000 BC project is organised by young people who believe in the power of intercultural dialogue, building empathy, awareness and tolerance.

Project number:


Duration of the project:

15.12.2021 – 14.07.2022

Main objectives of the project:

  • fostering dialogue and intercultural communication
  • elimination of cultural stereotypes and intolerance
  • promoting culture through art
  • encouraging young people to get involved in activities supporting cultural diversity
  • discovering and reflecting a real model of intercultural dialogue between the past and the present, considering the Nubian people of Aswan.
  • encouraging young people to take part in activities which can help spread positive messages of integration and diversity
  • propagating positive patterns of communication and understanding among the youth
  • promoting Egyptian culture and history
  • promoting diversity and shared values of freedom, tolerance, respect
  • strengthening young people’s critical thinking and sense of initiative

The project will include:

  • a meeting of youth leaders in Cairo
  • youth exchange in the region of Aswan, during which there will take place:
  1. integration workshops overcoming intercultural stereotypes
  2. workshops and activities concerning Nubian history and culture
  3. handcraft workshops
  4. workshops on intercultural dialogue
  5. cultural nights
  6. games and competitions enhancing the feeling of intercultural integration
  7. debates
  8. video-making workshops on intercultural dialogue and tolerance 
  9. sessions on Erasmus+ projects as a programme to broaden horizons and provide opportunities to develop social and professional competences

The project is conducted in cooperation with five partner organisations:

Poland, Łódź
Project Leader

Have a Dream
Egypt, Cairo

Project Partner
Hosting organisation


United Societies of Balkans,
Greece, Thessaloniki
Project Partner

Desert Bloom for Training and Sustainable Development
Jordan, Amman
Project Partner

Associacion Cultural YOUROPIA,

Spain, Oviedo
Project Partner


This project has been funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme.