Zajęcia grupowe podczas wymiany młodzieżowej 5PS: PEOPLE, PLANET, PROSPERITY, PEACE, PARTNERSHIP

The project “Media and Information Literacy for Active Digital European Citizens” was an unforgettable memory for me.

Not only through the topics that interested me but also through the incredible openness of the participants and organisers. Although the project lasted only a week, we bonded a lot with each other. The project itself positively surprised me in terms of the conduct of activities and their diversity. In addition to the covered topics related to media and digital citizenship, various excursions were also organised so that we could experience the beautiful nature and landscapes that Serbia offers. During the classes, we hosted one of the local newspaper’s journalists, visited a local TV station or visited a museum, through which we learned more about the history of Serbia itself. This training not only expanded my knowledge of media use, functioning and creation, but it was also a great opportunity to meet people from all over the world, with whom I continue to keep in touch. I am very grateful to the LEVEL UP Association for the opportunity to participate in this project, I have gained a wealth of knowledge from the project and even more memories that will stay with me for a long time. I encourage everyone to participate in non-formal education mobility, as it is a great way to meet new people from all over Europe, learn new skills, gain knowledge on a wide variety of topics, and improve your language skills.

I believe that everyone should go on such training course at least once in their life because it is a great opportunity not only to deepen your knowledge but also to meet amazing people from all over the world and learn about different cultures. It’s a one-of-a-kind experience.

Igor, 23 years old, Media and Information Literacy for Active Digital European Citizens, training course, Serbia, Brzeće

The course took place from the 5th to the 8th of June in 2024 in Brzeće, which is the winter capital city and popular ski resort of Serbia. It brought together youth workers from Bulgaria, Romania, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Turkiye, Serbia and Poland.

The topic of the course was Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy, so the first days were spent not only getting to know each other but also discussing what media literacy and digital citizenship are. 

We had a lot of games and activities to build cooperation in the team. We were visited by a journalist from the editorial board of BLITZ magazine, who told us about his work as a correspondent. After a few days, we explored the area, climbed the highest peak of Kaoponika and drove to Krusevac, where we were invited to a picnic by the host organisation called the Serbian Red Cross. We also visited the city hall, the museum and the TV station. The course allowed us to gain some journalistic skills, we wrote articles in groups and learned to edit and record videos. There were cultural evenings and a meeting with local society, joint matches and tasting of local specialities. 

We were leaving Serbia with sadness, but richer with new friendships and a bag of interesting experiences.

Małgorzata, Media and Information Literacy for Active Digital European Citizens, training course, Serbia, Brzeće

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