Youth Entrepreneurship Day

The project is designed to prepare young people to enter the job market and support their choice of further education in terms of the planned career path. The project will take place in one of Częstochowa’s high schools in the form of stationary workshops during school hours. Participants will learn about different ways of working, learn how to prepare for a job interview and find out the universal competencies of the future. 

Numer referencyjny

Project duration:

11/12/2022 – 30/06/2023

Date of the event:


Actions that will be undertaken in the project:

  • We will organize a series of workshops – one day will feature workshops conducted by experts. Students interested in a given profession will be invited to selected rooms and will take part in a workshop, during which they will find out about the specifics and requirements for a given job.


What we do during the project:

  • We will introduce young people to the job market (regarding the expected demand for qualifications and professions)
  • We will show how to write a CV, explain what a job interview looks like, as well as how to prepare for it
  • We will show how to deal with changing conditions
  • We will compare remote and stationary working opportunities
  • We will conduct a survey on whether young people see themselves working stationary or remotely
  • We will learn the characteristics of an entrepreneurial person
  • We will find out what the universal competencies of the future are and how to develop them.  

The following organizations are involved in the project:


logo Diyarbakir

V Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Adam Mickiewicz in Częstochowa

Logo partnera British council

The project is implemented from the British Council Organizatorzy inicjatywy “Stronger Together”