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Woman and Life – when anger builds up

The project aims to create an intergenerational theater performance showing what and in what way shaped a woman in Poland, what she struggled with and how others perceived her.

Project number:


Project duration:

15.03.2022 – 14.03.2023


Activities to be undertaken in the project:

– activities to create a performance; – workshops with the use of drama method aiming at group integration, trust in the group; – workshops with a psychologist “how to counteract discrimination”, which are supposed to make participants aware of how to deal with hate, who to turn to for help and find out which institutions support people who are at risk of exclusion; – games, plays, theater improvisations and film screenings once a week on the subject of discrimination; – workshops on “forum theater,” which allows the audience to enter the stage (in TF there are so-called “spect-actors”); – meeting with women who are victims of violence from husbands, partners and who had the courage to get out of such relationships; – joint classes with people with intellectual disabilities – classes that aim at making the participants aware of how to work with such people, acquainting them with elements of art. therapy and music therapy; – meeting with “Tadam” group, dealing with improvisation theater, aimed at familiarizing the group with the method of improvisation according to Keith Johnston; – meditation through dance activities to relax the group before the performance.

What we do during the project:

– we create an intergenerational performance that will serve as a pretext for discussion and dialogue on topics such as fear or insecurity; – we help people of different ages find methods to deal with hate, discrimination, helplessness, etc.; – we talk about socially important things, important to the citizen, we promote equality, regardless of religion, orientation, gender or age; – we create a safe place for exploring and expressing oneself through different types of workshops, meetings and, above all, through preparation to the performance; – we give chances to gain new competences; – we learn through art; – we are ecological and open to any suggestions on this subject – we use recycled materials to create the scenery for the performance, the lighting we use consumes very little energy, and when it is unnecessary, we give it up completely.
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The project is financed and implemented with funds from the European Union under the European Solidarity Corps programme.