One Earth, One Life
The project is dedicated to all residents of the local community who are not indifferent to environmental issues and attitudes. The target group includes people who want to gain practical knowledge on how to apply beneficial solutions in the field of broadly understood ecology and who want to improve the environment around them. We also want to reach out to the youngest, children and young people by inviting them to take part in the game, thereby teaching them the importance of caring for the environment.
We are aware that changing the attitudes and habits of even a small group of people will, in the long term, result in a change that is noticeable for the whole environment. We believe that by organising this project and all the activities within it, we will encourage others to take similar initiatives.
Reference number:
In order to achieve the project’s objectives, we plan to organise 6 different activities/initiatives that will contribute to increasing environmental attitudes among the local community:
- ‘Cooking with Leftovers’ workshop – one of the infamous traits of people almost all over the world is wasting food on an appalling scale.
- Shopping planning workshop – every one of us has gone grocery shopping at least once without any plan/list, and put the products we think we will use in the basket. After a while, however, it turned out that we had unnecessarily bought another packet of cheese or a tin of corn for which we had no idea, and which, if left uneaten for a long time, would become out-of-date.
- The workshop “Homemade cleaning products” – every household uses cleaning products and other detergents every day, which then, rinsed away, end up in rivers, seas and soil, causing disastrous pollution and environmental damage. Such situations can be avoided – or certainly, reduced – by using natural cleaning products instead, prepared with homemade, natural ingredients that the majority of us have in our homes.
- Workshop “Homemade natural cosmetics” – every one of us uses cosmetics on a daily basis which, up to now, have been bought from drugstores etc. Not everyone is aware that many of them can be prepared at home, based on natural ingredients, which are mostly available in their own kitchen.
- Do-it-yourself workshop, or ‘The second life of rubbish’ – Every year, a statistical Pole produces more than 300 kg of waste. This figure, multiplied by the number of inhabitants of our country, gives an alarming result. This large-scale situation can be avoided (or at least reduced) by recycling some waste and giving it a second life.
- Spring tree planting campaign – forests, parks and clusters of trees are the green lungs of our environments. We want to contribute to their development, especially in the current situation where many forest areas have been affected by fires.
- Vintage bazaar combined with a clothing makeover workshop – a clothing swap bazaar for participants and anyone wanting to tidy up their wardrobe and get something new at a minimal cost.
- City game “Eco-basketball”– an educational city game for the citizens of Łódź, during which participants will acquire knowledge about ecology and correct waste segregation.
Household cleaning products
Natural cosmetics
Forest planting 02.04.2021
Vintage Bazar 30.05.2021
Cooking from leftovers (2 sessions)

Project implemented with European Solidarity Corps funding from the European Union.