On the way to tolerance
“On the way to tolerance” is a youth exchange project lasting 9 days with participation of 36 young people from Lithuania, Poland, Hungary and Romania. The project aims to change the attitudes and behaviors towards discrimination, promote tolerance and increase the social integration of the participants with smaller chances. The project is to increase awareness of discrimination and encourage young people to fight for their rights and the rights of others. The project is to help participants to become active promoters of tolerance and to discover ways of preventing discrimination and increasing tolerance in their communities and the EU.
Reference number of the project:
Duration of the project:
10.03.2023 – 09.03.2025
Actions that will be taken in the project:
- Cross-cultural evenings.
- Team building games.
- After the exchange, the participants will share the gained knowledge in their local environments.
- Various discussions about discrimination.
What we do during the project:
- Make new friends and get to know other cultures.
- We gain knowledge about discrimination and fighting it.
- Promote tolerance and mutual respect.
- We increase the social integration of the participants with smaller chances.
- The understanding, that each of us is equal, no matter what are the differences between us.
- We will discover ways of preventing discrimination.
- Increasing the tolerance.
- We will have a nice time getting to know each other.
The following are involved in the project:
Asociacija go Forward Lt
Project leader
LEVEL UP association
Łódź, Poland
Project partner
Euro education federation
Project partner
Fiatalok Előre Egyesulet
Project partner