Logo Nasze dane nasza odpowiedzialność

Our data, our responsibility

The project is a social dialogue between young people (14-20 years old) and decision-makers aimed at discussing online data security in the context of our participation in public life, in particular in schools, workplaces and public administration as citizens of the Republic of Poland. Few young people are aware of the actions that the state takes on various levels of governance to ensure a high level of protection of our data on the one hand and to build a digital society, on the other.

In our project, young people would like to raise the issue of personal data security, also in the context of the Polish Cyber security Strategy for 2019-2024 implemented at the national level. We want to involve decision-makers in order to talk about national and EU policies in the context of threats in this area.

Reference number:


Project duration:

31.12.2021 – 30.10.2022

The project is to inspire young people living in the lowicki poviat , to undertake actions to raise awareness and engage the society in dialogue in their small surroundings. It is also aims to make young people aware of what social participation in Poland looks like, what forms of consultation and dialogue with decision-makers are carried out at different levels of government, and what citizen-authority contact looks like.

Actions that will be taken during the project:

A 1-day workshop to prepare the group for activities in the areas of digitization, data protection, project management, involving groups in dialogue. It is a place for young people to express their ideas, get to know their peers, prepare for active participation in the project, and engage in its implementation. The youth will prepare a mini-survey on young people’s knowledge about data security and present the results of the survey to decision-makers at the conference.

A 2-day workshop to prepare and teach techniques for conducting this type of debate, presenting their statements and views. The aim of the workshops is to familiarize young people with the idea and method of conducting polemics in the form of an Oxford debate and to develop their competence in discussion, dialogue and constructive argument. The workshop will cover the following issues: the principles of the Oxford debate, elements of logic, the art of argumentation, defense against unfair argumentation (sophistry, eristics), speech structure, analysis of sources, verbal and non-verbal communication, debating strategy, dress code in public speaking.

Oxford Debate Tournament with the participation of experts and decision-makers. The topics will include actions at the EU, national and local level in the context of the expansion of digitisation of administration in Poland. Groups of young people will compete with each other and discuss civic matters related to the development of technology and the management of our data in various aspects of civic life. The groups will draw their opponents. Winning teams will move on to the next stages. The final debate will be a clash with decision-makers. Decision-makers and experts will be invited to the tournament to evaluate the young people’s discussion.

Mini-Olympics of knowledge on personal data protection and regulations. During the conference ending the project, there will be a prize-giving ceremony and the Mini-Olympics in the region will be officially summed up.

Conference for the Unaware – summarizing the project and presenting conclusions and experiences of young people as well as good practices of institutions and organizations. With the participation of young people along with experts and decision-makers, to start a discussion on how to develop a local dialogue in the field of digital security of citizens and raising awareness among young people and institutions that process these data. We will summarize the project, the successes and results of the activities of our participants and the initiating group. We want to invite high-level decision-makers to the conference, so that young people can interact with them and lead discussions on the important public area which is the security of our data.

Supporting partner:

Logo Dream Youth Actives

II LO im. Mikołaja Kopernika


The project is financed and implemented by the European Union under the Erasmus + program.