Dream Youth Acts Eco Logically
This is our next eco-project in Rome with seven participants from Poland. Along with citizens from the Czech Republic, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Sweden, Italy and Hungary, they will develop good habits and increase their knowledge of ecology and the factors damaging the natural environment.
Project reference number
Project duration time
01.01.2023 – 30.09.2023
Project goals:
- presentation of main reasons and types of pollution (pollution of water, air and soil);
- improving young people’s ecological awareness and empathy;
- developing skills such as action, research, problem-solving, and pro-ecological projects;
- motivating the participants to constant action towards the preservation of the natural environment.
Activities to be undertaken in the project:
- There will be a youth exchange in Rome, during which participants will debate on serious ecological problems affecting our health and well-being.
- As a part of the project we will organise team-building workshops, debates, team games and individual tasks.
- After the mobility, participants will carry out local events promoting youth activation and the Erasmus+ programme.
What we do during the project:
- we make young people more aware of pro-ecological attitudes
- we show basic rules of caring for the environment
- we promote the inclusion of less privileged people
- we engage young people to partake in debates on serious social issues
- we increase opportunities for volunteers to act on an international level.
LEVEL UP Association
project partner
Łódź, Poland
Dream Youth Actives
project leader
Rome, Italy
Avkasiis Akhalgazrduli Kavshiri
Tbilisi, Georgia
Gənclərin İntellektual İnkişafına Yardım" ictimai birliyi
Baku, Azerbaijan
Ungdomens Röst
Kalmar, Sweden
Fiatalok Egységben Egyesület
Budapest, Hungary
Youthist Off Havirov
Podlesí, the Czech Republic
The project is implemented with European Union funds under the Erasmus+ programme.