Availability statement

The LEVEL UPAssociation undertakes to ensure that its website is accessible in accordance with the provisions of the Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Entities Act of 4 April 2019.
The availability declaration applies to the website https://levelupngo.com/ .

Website publication date: .Date of last major update: .

Digital availability status:

  • No description of the content of the maps on the pages
  • Some elements have insufficient contrast. If you wish to change the contrast on our website, click on the yellow button on the right-hand side and then select one of the available options for changing the contrast.
  • It is not possible to fully operate the site using the keyboard. If you have a problem operating the site, please contact us.
  • Few HTML syntax errors appear
  • To use the focus when operating the page using the keyboard, click on the yellow button on the left-hand side and then on “Navigate with keyboard”.
  • NThe page contains elements without an identifying attribute
  • For various reasons, in a small number of situations:
    • the order and hierarchy of the headings may be disrupted,
    • zdue to the thematic similarity of the text blocks, there may be situations where the uniqueness of page titles has not been respected
    • some graphics do not have alternative descriptions
  • Preparation of an availability statement:

    Date of preparation of the statement:
    The statement has been prepared on the basis of a self-assessment carried out by a public body.
    Date of last review of statement::

    Keyboard shortcuts:

    You can use standard keyboard shortcuts on the website.

    Feedback and contact details:

    Are there problems on this website resulting from failure to meet digital accessibility requirements? Submit it to Justyna Panevska by email- levelup@levelupngo.com or by phone – +48 661 686 717
    In your application, state:

    • your name and surname,
    • your contact information (i.e. phone number, e-mail),
    • the exact address of the web page on which the item or content is unavailable,
    • a description of the problem and proposition of comfortable solution for you.

    Handling of availability requests and complaints:

    We will respond to your request as soon as possible and no later than 7 days after receipt.
    If this deadline is too short for us, we will let you know. In this information, we will give you a new deadline by which we will correct the errors you have reported or prepare the information in an alternative way. This new deadline will be no longer than 2 months.
    If we are unable to ensure the availability of a digital website or content from your report, we will offer you access by an alternative means.
    If you are not satisfied with our actions, you may write a complaint. If you continue to have comments on our activities related to digital accessibility, you can report them to the Commissioner for Human Rights